There are 22 items in this page
Unbonded Generator | OCPD and GFCI Device Function
This video shows the use of an unbonded generator in an application where the question is posed, will the GFCI Device function, or wi...
Box Fill – Equipment Grounding Conductors
In this video we discuss discusses equipment grounding conductors (EGC) for box fill applications. Knowing when to apply the 1/4 volu...
Main Bonding Jumpers and System Bonding Jumpers
in this video, we discuss Main Bonding Jumpers and System Bonding Jumpers and how they are very similar but are located in different...
Supply-Side Bonding and Load Side Bonding
This is the re-broadcast of our February 20, 2021 Grounding and Bonding Mini-Webinar on Service Bonding and Supply-Side and Load Side...
Sizing Supply-Side Bonding Jumpers
Watch as Paul Abernathy of Electrical Code Academy, Inc. explains how to size supply-side bonding jumpers based on section 250.102(C)...
Sizing Grounding Electrode Conductors- Basics of 250.66
Watch as Paul Abernathy talks about the basic requirements of sizing the grounding electrode conductor (GEC) for a service applicatio...
Service Bonding Basics
Watch as Paul Abernathy talks about Service Bonding and the basics of ensured bonding practices at and on the supply side of the serv...
2020 NEC 680.26(B)(2) – Equipotential Bonding Grid
Watch as CMECP® Paul Abernathy explains one of the proposed changes to the equipotential bonding grid requirements in section 680.26(...
2020 NEC Grounding & Bonding Course- Grounding Electrodes Sample
In this episode, we are giving you an overview of what you will learn in our 2020 National Electrical Code “Grounding and Bondi...
2020 NEC Grounding and Bonding Webinar
This series is 12 hours of Grounding and Bonding from Article 250 of the 2020 National Electrical Code.