There are 63 items in this page
2023 NEC | Working Space Clearance 110.26(A)(1) to (A)(4)
This video is on working clearance requirements for electrical equipment that will likely be energized while servicing, maintenance,...
#1 Hot Tub Installation Code Violations | NEC 2023 Critique
Dive into our detailed critique of a popular video that discusses code violations associated with hot tub installations. Using the 20...
NEC 220.86 Optional Method School Calculation
Welcome to our in-depth tutorial on how to perform service and load calculations for a school using the optional method as outlined i...
2023 NEC 705.11(D) and (F) Conductor Length
Code Corner is an expert-led review and interpretation of codes and standards for industry professionals—10 minutes at a time. In thi...
How to Measure Current in Solar PV Systems
We’re developing an Electrical Testing Standards Guide with Megger, with written chapters (and videos) on topics like measuring...
2020 NEC 690.12 Rapid Shutdown with UL 3741
Code Corner is an expert-led review and interpretation of codes and standards for industry professionals—10 minutes at a time. In thi...
2023 NEC 705.30(F) and 240.21(C) Overcurrent Protection
Code Corner is an expert-led review and interpretation of codes and standards for industry professionals—10 minutes at a time. In thi...
Noncoincident Loads 220.60 (Part 2)
Join Paul Abernathy as he talks about Noncoincident Loads the application of 220.60 in 2023 and how it is changing for the 2026 NEC a...
Noncoincident Loads 220.60 (Part 1)
Join Paul Abernathy as he talks about Noncoincident Loads and the application of 220.60 in the 2023 NEC. This is Part 1 of 2 Parts.